Monday, April 05, 2010


life experience dictates what i write. mostly about love. hurt. struggle. the ability to rise above. but the one and only thing that i can never ever have the perfect words for is to describe how it is to watch my 2 boys grow up.

-isaiah & reece, age 4 & 3 (2004)

as much as i try, there are never enough words to try to explain what they mean to me...

-isaiah, age 5 (2005)

-reece, age 4 (2005)

...and at the same time they are everything.

-reece & isaiah, age 6 & 8 (2008)

sometimes, i have to remind myself to just relax and enjoy the moment. as i realize, it won't last very long. they grow up so fast right before my eyes.

-isaiah, age 10, present day

-reece, age 8, present day

i just have to put down my pen....

...and watch.

..and simply, that is enough. :)