Thursday, August 18, 2011


Sure, I have my fears.
It can hinder my progress.
Or drive me to face it and conquer it.
Either way, I have to acknowledge it's there.
It exists.
There are some fears:
-I still struggle with.
-I've allowed to dictate my actions.
-I've let take over and cloud my judgement.
(This can stem from a lot of things.  Everything from wanting to be accepted to not wanting to be alone, and all things in between)
-I've found are profoundly personal.
-I've also found are genuinely universal.
-I choose not to face (for whatever reason--the "I'm not ready" excuse).
-I've conquered (not without much adversity and hardship).

Being fearless is a constant work in progress. 
A constant examination of self, conscience, character, individuality, identity.
Being fearless might be desirable to some.
However, for me, not having enough fear can impede inspiration.
I'm still trying to figure out and find this fine balance.

"Fear only has as much power as we give it space."
- Josh Ritter

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