Tuesday, November 07, 2017

poetry session - 11/4

the right person

Synchronized and aligned
In each other’s spaces... 
Our breath connects our souls and 
Spirit restores our faith, in love...
Unattached and boundless...
I’ve found that... 
When I act and move
From a place of divinity
You seamlessly attract and match
My movements with symmetry
I submit to you perfectly...
You mirror my ecstasy
And perform passionately this dance of
Knowing what to say and
Knowing what to do
Without saying a word

The right person can do that for you...
A true reflection of self-love and your self-worth... 
Never taking anything away but...
Adding to what you deserve...
Tread passionately in your search...
For the right person...


1 comment:

  1. "I submit to you perfectly" YAssssssssss say that!!!! #loveandink
