Tuesday, November 07, 2017

poetry session - 11/7

beautifully broken

These scars on my heart
Are no longer the battle wounds that I’ve used
To guard myself from others...
No longer the muse to prolong my suffering and longing
Of the idea of someone outside of myself
Possessing the power to heal me...
No longer do I identify with being
Beautifully broken, 
But rather...
I was weaved back together with gold
I am whole
I am worthy...
I am a word... spoken passionately
I am a living truth
I am proof... 
That scars not only do heal
But they also make my love bulletproof
Self love as, not only a weapon
But the remedy
To say that not only was I once
Broken beautifully...
But that I was
Aligned Divinely...


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